
I think that my great holydays were in this year, in the summer. I went to Chiloe like all years but now was different because I made different things that I never made like to record dolphin by my side. I went to Chiloe with my mom, some parents and also family that live in Argentina. I never remember this family in the past because I was so little and this time but the last summer I could see them. I stayed in the island about of 40 days approximately, my 40 best days because I met people who are nice and I want to see them again.

Last summer I traveled around the big island Chiloe, I saw the best views. For example, the austral road, penguin reservation, some islands around Castro.

I loved last summer because I could see endless landscapes, this is very important for me because in the future I want relate the architecture with landscapes, is one of my big dreams.

Some of my discovery was find a beach that had so much wind, about of 100km I think seriously because the wind was so strong and powerful. Also my little cousin could not walk for this but was funny.

When I returned to Santiago I had an accident… I fell of the ship... but not to the ocean, I fell in the port but in general was a nice form to finish my holydays I think. Now I want go to Switzerland but I don’t know if I will can the next year but right now is my new dream.


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