blog experience
Hi! Everyone. Today, I would like to write about this semester. This semester was nice. I met new people who are very nice. The blogs that we made for me is a good form to learn. I enjoyed writing blogs. I think this form for learn English is even more effective than many other because it is 100% creativity and this is difficult. This form to learn English can´t disappear. The post that I enjoyed to make was “A friend” because in this time I wrote to my friend and I told him that I had written about him. This situation was very funny because I had not spoken with him for a long time. Later of this we speak all days, the post reminded me of old times that we lived. A post I not enjoyed write was about of “Fiestas Patrias” this week was very bad and sad. In this week I had so many models for workshop and I stayed working in my house all this week. I don’t know I think the topic “Fiestas Patrias” is nice but for in this week was so sad. I think the most difficult post was t